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World Literacy DAY' 2020 : The change that is necessary.

Srija Roy

On 26 October, 1966 at the 14th session of UNESCO's General conference, 8 September was declared international literacy by UNESCO. The main theme is to empower people with the importance of literacy.

This day is taken as a landmark in spreading awareness about the importance of literacy among individuals & communities. It is of high importance to raise awareness in the world about the importance of literacy & how necessary it is to be literate. It also to helps to endorse campaigns that help rising the level of literacy among the people.

World Literacy Day 2020 :


The main aim for this year, 2020 is to educate and aware people regarding the Covid-19 pandamic. It's all about educating the youths and adults about the present pandemic situation & how to react according to that.

International Literacy Day, 2020 provides a field discuss how teaching methodologies can be used in youth and adult literacy programmes to face the pandemic and beyond. This Day will also be used as an opportunity to analyse the role of educators, as well the government systems to how they should actually work, admits the present critical situation.

As a citizen, our main duty is to educate people about the present situations and how they should react according to it. Literacy lies in that. So, lets join hands in making this world a better place to live in.

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