Winston Churchill famously said “Do Not Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste” - now is the greatest opportunity to unite your team, provide a sense of security and a clear picture for your team as individuals and the role they play during these times of crisis.
Much has been written about these times of Covid-19 and the need for resilience as individuals. The pressures of Covid-19 are having a much deeper impact on us than simply the health issues it bring it with it - much which have been documented, economically, financially & mentally.
As a leader of a team spread across Brisbane & Melbourne in the non for profit sector (which employs 1 in 3 Australians today) it has caused me to focus on my own leadership and my changing role in looking after my own people. How do I keep my people engaged? focused? and feeling resilient to ensure we continue to achieve our goal of ending energy poverty for 6 million children? There are many traits of a leader which one aspires to, for me there are three key areas of focus which have been highlighted even more so during these times:
Do not stray from your own Purpose - highlight it now more than ever. The tunnel vision of achieving my own business & personal goals and communicating these to my team on a daily basis including the challenges I face along the way has offered transparency and inspiration to those around me.
Authenticity - times like these challenge us, they perhaps cause us to think about making decisions we would not have made in other times - however this time more than ever require us to not sway from our own authenticity. Coco Chanel famously said "Hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity” and we are seeing this everywhere. There is higher demand for more transparent & authentic leaders. The authentic leaders are being listened to and followed - it gives us as people a sense of security and stability - listening to those authentic voices around us. Just as we crave to be listened to - authentically listened to, it arouses a sense of purpose and security in all of us.
Communicate, openly. While communication can sometimes be challenging, open, constructive and honest communication provides clarity, builds the strongest of foundations for growth and provides everyone with the understanding of their place and importance within a team.
While these are all basics of leadership doing this with clarity, focus & prioritising these has seen our team at SolarBuddy grow in strength during these times. This focus has enabled us to work with a number of corporations to bring their own internal teams together, inspire them and refocus on their own company purpose by participating in one of our team activities such as Solve The 17.
In today’s world we crave to belong to something bigger, something meaningful and know our role within this new normal. As leaders we have the responsibility to provide this foundation and do so through purpose not just profit.
Get in contact to talk about how we can work together to provide purposeful engagement for your teams.
If you would like to book a keynote or team event for your team contact me at enquiries@simondoble.com or head to my website to learn more.
For each virtual keynote or team activity 25 SolarBuddy lights will be donated to children living in energy poverty.